Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / JOSEPH AU / Kulai Mamui
Joseph Au, Eye, Dugong, Life cycle, Torres Strait, Art

Kulai Mamui


Size: Paper Size: H315mm x L390mm, Image size: H310mm x L275mm

Medium: Lino Print

Category: Original Artwork

$420.00 (Incl GST)

Kulai Mamui

This print of mine is called ‘Kulai Mamui’ In lingo its giving warning or saying be prepared. This print was inspired because it’s my mum totem and how we the two Indigenous people of this country are the only ones that have the right to hunt dugongs under the Native Title Rights.

The circle formation represent my eyes and how I see the importance of preserving our traditional foods the Dugong which plays a big part in our tradition.

The small dugong in the middle of the image represents how our ancestors hunted the dugongs in their time and to here today present time we still can hunt.

But there is a bit of opposition where our hunting rights are at risks and the last big dugong represents that where our hunting rights is at risk.

Joseph Au