Size: 112cm x 76cm
Medium: Lino Print
Category: Art Prints / Etchings
$580.00 (Incl GST)
The fish in the print is called thakam (rock cod) in Kala Lagaw Ya. The thakam is a black, brownish colour with creamy, whitish spots. The fish is good eating but some people don’t like the eating thakam for some reason. Maybe it is the way it looks, I don’t know. I taste the thakam and think it’s good eating, best when cooked on coals and fried in cooking oil or made into soup with onions. Inside the thakam design on the image, I’ve hidden some of the baits we use to catch the fish. In the head is the bithai (squid), on the side is the budi (periwinkle) and the dari (headdress) and titui (start) sit within the tadthu (sandcrab).