Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / LAURIE NONA / Gangar-Mawa (A small raised reef)
Gangar-Mawa (A small raised reef)

Gangar-Mawa (A small raised reef)


Size: Paper: H81cm x L61.50cm, Image: H63.50cm x L38.50cm


Category: Prints

$170.00 (Incl GST)

This image is a Depiction of a Gangar - small raised reef, in which I portray in the form of a Mawa – Mask.

The Gangar - Mawa is a represention of the eyes, of all big and small sea creatures, Reef fish, crayfish, sharks turtles and the coral life that live in and visit the reef. These eyes the Ganagar - Mawa of the reef creatures, watch every diver that dives in and around the Gangar, So to say that you are always being watched when you enter the sea, the reef is alive and as eyes monitoring your every move and actions.

Laurie Nona