Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Artists / ZACHARIA GAIDAN / Malaw Mabaig
zacharia gaidan badu art centre malaw mabaig

Malaw Mabaig


Size: 56cm x 56cm

Medium: Lino Print

Category: Art Prints / Etchings

$188.00 (Incl GST)

This artwork is about the revered Maluw Mabaig (Seamen). Maluw mabaig are men whose role it is in the community to go out and hunt in the sea to feed the village. In the Torres Strait, whenever the there is a celebration there is a tradition for there to be feasting. It is the maluw mabaig that everyone relies on to venture out in the days leading up to the celebration to hunt; which he does in any weather and at any time. His role is important in the community. He puts the food out for his family. He puts the food out for his people. He is the one the community depend on because he is the maluw mabaig. This way of life was passed on down from the ancestors and today this life is still passed on to future generations of Torres Strait Islanders.